August's Hospital Diet
August's dietary intake is primarily composed of starchy foods, particularly papa, which is a high-density maize porridge that contains refined carbohydrates and is fortified with essential micronutrients. August also has a preference for dairy products, and typically combines papa with milk or Amazi, a fermented milk product. Additionally, August consumes mageu, a fermented thin maize porridge, as a snack.
August favors chicken over red meat and consumes it once a week. He does not often buy eggs or dry beans because his sister does not like them. He enjoys vegetables including spinach and cabbage, and pumpkin (on Sundays). Additionally, he consumes apples and/or bananas 2-3 times a week. August's daily dietary intake includes sweets, such as jelly sweets or hard-boiled sweets (e.g. Smoothies brand), twice a day.
For the past three to four weeks, August has been consuming only 50-75% of his regular meals.
Note — foods are reported as cooked weight, edible serving unless otherwise advised. |
Please use the link below to view a selection of foods that are culturally specific:
You find pictures of these foods, learn about their preparation techniques, and find information about their nutrient profiles.