Nutrition Care Professionals provide dietetic students and educators with a comprehensive resource for teaching the Nutrition Care Process and Terminology (NCPT).
The Nutrition Care Process (NCP) is a systematic, science based approach to providing nutrition care that takes account of the patient’s needs and values. Using the NCP model, clinicians have developed more than 100 nutrition diagnoses, more than 300 terms to describe nutrition interventions, and in excess of 1000 nutrition indicators for assessing, monitoring and evaluating nutrition status of individuals or groups of individuals.
The style of this resource and the information it contains are unique. Using a case-study approach, we offer students, practitioners and clinicians the opportunity to analyze the circumstances of the case as described by the patient and then draw on the evidence base to treat the patient's condition. In the course of that process, we introduce new dietetic tools and concepts required to treat the case and demonstrate how they take effect.
The website NCPro Virtual Learning Environment provides content such as downloadable fillable word, excel or PDFs of student assignments, videos of the patients as they respond to the dietitian's questions, and optional assignments for students to record how they would ask questions, summarize and end consultations, or discuss their care with a physician. Instructor presentations and examples of completed assignments are also featured. The assignments can be electronically submitted to the instructor and the instructor can choose to record grades and return assignments to the students via the classroom feature or can be submitted through other learning management systems. The first five cases are available in a printed publication. The Toolkit is also available as a printed publication.
Instructors select the specific cases they would like to use and a customized package for the on-line cases is created for their class and posted in the "Buy Now" tab.